Thursday 7 July 2016

Nigeria migrant beaten to death

Nigerian migrant was beaten to death in a
racist attack by a right-wing football fan in a
central Italian town, officials said

Emmanuel Chidi, 36, was walking with his
girlfriend in the heart of the small town of
Paolo Calcinora on Tuesday, when they had
racial abuse heaped on them by the
supporter of a local football club, the Agi
news agency reported.
That led to an altercation and Chidi was
brutally beaten on the head until he fell to
the ground. He never recovered
consciousness and died in hospital on
"As mayor of a town that is welcoming and
open to integration, I feel I'm living in a
nightmare," the town's mayor said.
Chidi had been living in the area for eight
months and was lodged in a shelter run by
Catholic charity Caritas.
His girlfriend had lost her baby after a
perilous Mediterranean crossing.
Hundreds of migrants arrive daily in Italy.
The Italian interior ministry said last week
that a total of 70,930 people landed
between January and June -- almost exactly
the same number as the same period in
2015 and only slightly higher than in 2014.
The full-year total of migrant arrivals for
2015 was 153,000

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