Wednesday 22 June 2016

Averting religious crisis in Osun state....2

The truth is that the hijab controversy is a
needless one amongst a people who have
adherents of Christianity, Islam and

traditional religion in a proper mix. Governor
Aregbesola should concentrate on
governance instead of divisive religious
He should deliver the much needed
dividends of democracy to the people of
Osun.There are more important issues that
demand attention such as overdue
appointment of commissioners, running a
democraticallyelected local government,
payment of workers salaries and
accumulated pension arrears. Osun does not
deserve this distraction, mischief and
tension. Religious crisis is alien to
the southwest.
We appeal to Christian and Muslim leaders
in the state to embrace peace. We
recommend that an out of court settlement
should be explored and Parties should abide
by all agreements reached. We commend
the maturity of school authorities in
handling the sensitive issue. We also
commend the comportment of students both
inside and outside classrooms despite their
differentreligious inclinations. We urge
parents and guardians to desist from making
utterances or engaging in acts capable of
inciting their children and wards.

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