Tuesday 28 June 2016

2 suicide bomber blow self up

MAIDUGURI— Two suspected Boko Haram suicide
bombers blew themselves up near Sulemanti
Mosque in Maiduguri metropolis, Borno State, in

the early hours of yesterday.
The suspects, according to Borno State Police
Command, strapped with Improvised Explosive
Devices, IEDs, targeted a mosque in Sulemanti.
However, the bombs went off, killing the two
suspects during midnight Ramadan prayers.
Spokesman of Borno Police Command, Isuku
Victor, confirmed the incident yesterday in
Maiduguri, stating that “a team of Police
Explosives Ordinance Department, EOD, has been
deployed to the scene this morning (yesterday)
near Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation,
NNPC, depot.”
A civilian Joint Task Force member, Bukar
Fantami, said the suicide bombers were
intercepted near a mosque premises, where they
blew themselves up.
Fantami said: “The people in the mosque took to
their heels, while we challenged the explosives-
strapped suspects on their mission to the
mosque, before the explosives exploded near the
mosque, under this tree.
“It was God that saved us. We would have been
killed in the dawn suicide bombings. One of our
members was injured by a shrapnel from the
explosives. A woman also sustained a leg injury.
She has been taken to a nearby clinic for
On how the suspected terrorists sneaked into
Maiduguri, Fantami said: “Sulemanti ward and
the Central Bank of Nigeria, CBN, quarters, south
of the metropolis, is porous with no military
posts and patrols at the south flank.”
Meanwhile, the mosque has been condoned off
by soldiers and policemen to prevent any further
attacks on mosques and other public places in
the metropolis.

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