Wednesday 28 September 2016

Diversify your income

The Power Couple Business Concept was created to help individuals , especially married couples identify business opportunities that can keep them together and stable Financially. A special event on how to Diversify your income will be hosted by the Power Couple Sunday Oct 2nd 2016.

Why Do You Need To Diversify?
It's OK, if you have different answers for this question, but there is a big problem if you have no answer at all. It is like driving - it is best done with your eyes open!

The purpose of diversification is so that, when one investment goes down or is not doing well, you are insulated from the result because of the others you have in place.
In a job or career, most of us are trying to specialize so much so that we've ended up with all of our eggs in the same basket. That's not managing risk at all. That's putting yourself at risk." - Chris Lutz"

Having a clear reason or purposes for Investing or starting a Business is critical to success.

At the event, we will examine some common reasons why you need to Diversify and suggest investments plans that best fits you.

We have carefully selected Successful Entrepreneurs in different fields speak about their business and how you can Invest in them.

Speakers at the Event:

Dr Maxwell Uba
Leadership Expert

A sought after speaker with several degrees and international training in Leadership skills and Motivation. Master strategist and Entrepreneurial consultant, Dr Maxwell will expand your mind and push you to a new level of thinking.
He is the author of two powerful motivational books: The Difference—What Successful People Know & Do That Ordinary People Do Not, and Seven Great Life Lessons—Powerful Strategies for Reaching Your Goals.

(10 of the books will be given to 1st 10 Couples or Individuals that come early) it will change your business life for good. You will thank us later.

Ayoola Makinde
MD/CEO Eskil Farms

An agro business firm dedicated to helping individuals start investments in farming. So you can be a farmer in absentia.
They have several investment options all which yield interests and profit on investors capital. Investments can start from as low as N100,000.
Farming is the New Currency but we know as much as some love to farm.. We don't have what it takes.
So Eskil Farm will make your money work for you.

Bankole Olomu
MD/CEO Jobberguy Animations

As  expert in social media Animations. Jobberguy takes your business whatever it is or wherever, and puts it on the global map of customers on social media. Investors can learn how to expand their business territory and do a little animation training to start a business.

Top Partner in UNO Premier
UNO Premier is a foreign company looking for smart investors and business partners to expand its business concept. They produce and distribute household consumables ranging from toothpaste to Beverages. Partners investment can yield up to 6 and 7 figures monthly.

Register for the event here:

Reasons to Diversify your Income
In Achieving Financial Goals, you don't always have to think long-term. Diversification is as much a tool for shaping your present financial situation as it is for forming your future one.
"Diversification and globalization are the keys to the future."-Fujio Mitarai

Register for the event here:

Investing to achieve financial goals is the best way out of the current situation in the economy.

You can't afford to miss this Power Packed Event.

We would appreciate it if Couples attend together, so they can choose the business that fits their lifestyle, that is why we reduced training fee for couples.
So invite your spouse over to be part of these unique opportunity. The Event is not limited to Couples alone, its strictly for Individuals looking for Investment Opportunties.

"How many millionaires do you know who have become wealthy by investing in savings accounts? I rest my case." - Robert G. Allen
Register for the event here:
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Call : 08072020757 (9am to 6pm only)

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