Friday 30 September 2016

Lol..See this ridiculous note and the replies from his colleagues (photo)

A BBC worker has been ridiculed for leaving a note on a water cooler asking his colleagues not to plug the cooler because he likes his water at Room temperature. The worker stuck the A4 printed note on the water cooler at New Broadcasting House in central London this week. The note reads:
“A polite request – Please Do not plug in the water cooler. I like my water at room temperature. I am fed up with having to bend over to unplug the machine, so please do not plug it back in.”
His colleagues who were left bemused by his note, replied with their own message on the water cooler:
“But 90 per cent of everyone else likes it CHILLED!!!”. Another wrote; “two taps” on the water cooler – one which provided chilled water and the other with “room temperature water” – and that it should be left plugged in at all times.
Another wrote: “Middle class problems huh! Another colleague wrote “With the machine plugged in and switched on the right tap is chilled water and the left is room temperature. “This you’d realise if you spent a little less time trying to bend the entire world to your will.” Another co-worker scrawled on the note; “get over yourself”, while another wrote; “health alert, SOS mayday”.

Source : BBC

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