Saturday 23 April 2016

What have you done to help others?

What have you done to help others?

What have you done to help your family?

What have you done to help your neighbors?

What a great question to people who think deep or who can think deep.....

I use to ask myself a lot of question
about how human being behave, react to the things that happen to them in there environment......Why are we not like the Apostles in those days, the way they use to help each others in term of needs, they help each others in prayers.....

What have you done to help your friend? are you the type that hate people progressing more than you? are you the type that use to belittle your people ambition? think and change now because the ladder of success is not crowded at the top, if you are successful today, pull the people in need up because you will surely meet them on your way back downward because nothing last forever.......

Some people will even rejoice with you when they heard or know that you are successful in your endeavor but deep inside them, they are thinking of a way to finish you, to bring you down, to tarnish the success you build with dedication and hardworking but they forget that who God has bless no one can curse.....

Hmmmmm, what is the world turning to now? a place were you will be afraid to help your brother, a place were your brother did not trust you with is possession, a place were they will help you only if you have a funeral....What a shameless world.......

Think deep about your behaviour towards your fellow human being and change because there is still second chance....Help people around you, if you have give to the less priviledge and remember that givers never lack.......

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