Friday 13 May 2016

it will end in praise

If you encounter a problem today, that does not mean it is the end for you....lets take few example about this...

example 1....The introduction of GSM and SIM Card in Nigeria....For people to afford a phone
(Nokia 3310) it takes them month, years most people even use there contribution money to purchase it....SIM card too is also costly for the less privilege but here we are today....those phone are not in existence, even if they are who will use them or pay 500 to purchase it.....SIM card is now 100 each and they will still be begging you to buy it with recharge card on it after activating it....what a life we live in....It is a good turn around in the world of technology....Don't panic just trust in Him things will change for better......

Believe in your dream, work towards it and remember your value never change, take a good example at this,,,,,in a conversation between some student and a motivation speaker...

He raise up 1000 naira and ask the audience who needs it, all of them started shouting, me, sir give it to me, but only one lady stood up and walk up to the pulpit and collect the money....that is if you want something and you really need it, the opportunity is always there but all you need is to take action, move forward, take a step....for someone to succeed, you have to be dedicated, hardworking to the things you want to see happening.

Sunday 1 May 2016

it kills, stop it

why are we killing ourselves? why are we a living dead?

It is all about a small girl that is word always come to all start one day when is father was praying with her and she said, God bless daddy,
God bless mummy, God bless grandma, God bless grandpa and they both sleep off.

The second night the same thing happen again, i mean the prayer, it happen often and often every night by praying for is parents and is grand parent....

One night when they are about to sleep, they have to pray and the young girl said God bless daddy, God bless mummy, God bless grandpa and good bye grandma, the second day the grandma left this sinful world.....

After some weeks, the same prayer happen when they are about to sleep and she said God bless daddy, God bless mummy and good bye grandpa, the second day the grandpa left the world....The father was thinking that maybe the girl is possessed because he cant really figure out what is happening to her little girl.....

After some years, when they are about to sleep the young lady pray by saying God bless mummy and good bye father, the father was shock that it is all over now...the second day he was shock to be alive and healthy but his mind was not at rest, in the office he was not happy thinking that he is going to die on that day....

when she got home her wife notice that his husband was not feeling fine but she know nothing about is daughter prayer...the husband was waiting for his death to come in time because he knew that whenever his daughter said good bye to any living soul while praying it will come to pass, her wife said darling my boss left the world today....hmmmmmm, the husband said what? so oh, so oh, so oh,,,,,

that is how the husband know the truth about her wife and it was all over between them....why are we doing it? it kills our body and soul...stop the act of fornication.....

Read Rome 7 vs 2-4 it will help you.....happy reading and happy sunday....